Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving day

how did you spend your thanksgiving? here's how i spend my thanksgiving.
we went to my moms and we brought all this good food.

veggies, chow mein and rice

sesame balls and rice

yummy food

and this what happens when you leave the table unattended, especially when you have 2 cats roaming around and looking for turkey.

paw marks on pie

after diner we all went to hiromi's place and we hung-out they too have lots of food. then we played mario kart and daigassou band brothers, the food was good.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Transit of Mercury

seeing the planet Mercury pass in front of the sun was amazing. i never thought of seeing any planet or the sun through a telescope. i must say it was awesome.

planet mercury as a small dot
click to enlarge

you can see planet mercury as a small dot, as small dot in the face of the sun. and we also saw a sun spot (not in picture) and most of all, looking through the telescope you can see the swirling surface of the sun. it's just amazing to see something like this which only happens roughly 13 time a century. so if you missed it, you can watch it happen again in 2016.

here we are waiting

(L-R) zionvlad, t3hch0rt & Dugh

for this guy to finish calibrating the telescope.

anyway, we had fun looking at planet mercury and the sun.

-- thanks to dugh for holding the camera steady and taking the picture for me, and mr. banana man for bringing my camera.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween photo shoot

wearing a costume and going to work is fun, like this one.

here's another one with the t3hchort as a ninjer from the hidden village of banana leaf.

and here's everybody who dressed up.

for more photos go here. or here for a complete set.

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