Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Fire! Fire!

Yesterday at work we had our annual fire alarm system wide test. It was going well, and we were talking about our past experience when we had the test two years ago. During that test the water pressure in our sprinkler system went so low that it triggered the alarm. It was really loud especially if you happen to be in the restroom. Anyway, people started asking "what the heck is that sound?" and we told them that it's the fire alarm and it's time for everybody to get out of the building. Almost everybody was really reluctant to leave their workstations. How can people be this way?

Well, back to the main reason of this blog entry. Across form our building on Bay St. side, is the Northpoint apartments. As we were trying to get through the day, we heard sirens. A lot of them, then one of our coworker said that there's fire across the building. We ran to her office to get a better view, as soon as it was confirmed that there was fire, The Professor and I ran to the roof top (and of course I have my camera ready) to get a real and best view of all the action. BananaFlash soon followed.

Here are some photos I took.

We are not sure what caused the fire.


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