seeing the planet Mercury pass in front of the sun was amazing. i never thought of seeing any planet or the sun through a telescope. i must say it was awesome.
you can see planet mercury as a small dot, as small dot in the face of the sun. and we also saw a sun spot (not in picture) and most of all, looking through the telescope you can see the swirling surface of the sun. it's just amazing to see something like this which only happens roughly 13 time a century. so if you missed it, you can watch it happen again in 2016.
here we are waiting
(L-R) zionvlad, t3hch0rt & Dugh
for this guy to finish calibrating the telescope.

anyway, we had fun looking at planet mercury and the sun.
-- thanks to dugh for holding the camera steady and taking the picture for me, and mr. banana man for bringing my camera.
Labels: friends, science