it happened at 230am in tumwater, wa on N/B I-5 mile post 99 just before the 93rd ave. sw bridge above the freeway. it was a quiet night not much traffic on the road, my gf and i were heading to seattle, wa and this happend. the good part is that before all this happened, she reclined her seat and grabbed a blankie before taking a hopefully short nap. i was in the middle lane (3 lane freeway each way) going 70mph (i set the cruise control) going up the incline reaching the crest and BAM!!! no time to steer away.
we were picked up by my gf's parents while the state patrol waited with us.
i'm still in shock. still can't believe what just happened. i've seen this many times in pictures and videos... now i just experienced it first hand.
so, be extra careful when driving at night you'll never know what will jump and or cross in front of you on the freeway.
NOT a good sight. make sure that YOU are not EATING and you are READY to see this.
and this.
the sad part is that i can still smell it.
i didn't realize the extent of the damage until afterwards. i visited the impound yard to retrieve the rest of my stuff.

a member of the same forum that i'm with, said that he saw the elk that i hit and said that the elk was in halves... 1 on the shoulder and 1 by the center divide.
we were picked up by my gf's parents while the state patrol waited with us.
i'm still in shock. still can't believe what just happened. i've seen this many times in pictures and videos... now i just experienced it first hand.
so, be extra careful when driving at night you'll never know what will jump and or cross in front of you on the freeway.
NOT a good sight. make sure that YOU are not EATING and you are READY to see this.
and this.
the sad part is that i can still smell it.
i didn't realize the extent of the damage until afterwards. i visited the impound yard to retrieve the rest of my stuff.
a member of the same forum that i'm with, said that he saw the elk that i hit and said that the elk was in halves... 1 on the shoulder and 1 by the center divide.
That's messed up. I hope neither of you was hurt!
Yup that was messed up. no major injuries except for bruises and super tensed muscles.
at least your safe. your car is pawned. can insurance cover this?
i have to find out today... still waiting for their call.
wow....well, you're still here. cars are replaceable, lives aren't
-mr. wiggles (i-club)
thanks for the thought mr. wiggles
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